mercredi 4 février 2015

Apple met en vente les iPad Air 2 et iPad mini 4G en Chine

Apple a annoncé cette nuit l’arrivée des modèles Cellular (3G/4G) de ses iPad Air 2 et iPad mini 3 en Chine. Dans un communiqué, la firme donne les prix et précise que l’iPad Air 2 est compatible avec les différents opérateurs locaux dans une seule variante. Auparavant, il existait un iPad selon le type de réseau utilisé. Il devrait en être de même pour l’iPad mini 3, ce n’est pas précisé.

iPad Air 2 iPad mini 3
L’iPad Air 2 Cellular débute à 4 488 yuans, soit 583 euros, pour le modèle 16 Go. C’est presque 100 euros de plus que le prix en Europe (499 euros). Les modèles 64 et 128 Go sont vendus respectivement au prix de 5 188 yuans et 5 888 yuans.

De son côté, l’iPad mini 3 Cellular 16 Go commence à 3 788 yuans, soit 493 euros. Là aussi la différence avec l’Europe et les autres pays est importante. En France, la tablette est vendue 399 euros. Les autres variantes 64 et 128 Go sont à 4 488 yuans et 5 188 yuans.

Les modèles Wi-Fi des deux iPad sont proposés depuis le départ en Chine, Apple se charge seulement de proposer les modèles Cellular dès cette semaine.

jeudi 22 janvier 2015

Microsoft s rsquo;attaque au MacBook Air dans une publicit茅 pour No毛l

Microsoft est de retour avec une nouvelle publicit茅 pour tacler Apple. Dans la nouvelle r茅clame, le MacBook Air est compar茅 脿 la Surface Pro 3. Cette tablette de Microsoft peut 锚tre pr茅sent茅e comme un ordinateur tactile puisqu鈥檈lle int猫gre un Windows complet (comme si un iPad tournait sous OS X).

Selon Microsoft, sa Surface Pro 3 est aussi puissante qu鈥檜n MacBook Air et un stylet peut 锚tre utilis茅 dans les diff茅rents logiciels, comme Photoshop. Le pied 脿 l鈥檃rri猫re pour faire tenir la Surface en 茅quilibre est un autre argument avanc茅, tout comme l鈥櫭ヽran tactile de mani猫re g茅n茅rale. Pour finir, Microsoft 茅voque鈥?un port USB, un 茅l茅ment pourtant pr茅sent sur le MacBook Air. Il aurait 茅t茅 plus intelligent d鈥檃vancer cet argument si la Surface Pro 3 茅tait compar茅e 脿 un iPad.

Au final, le propri茅taire du Mac d茅clare «Je crois que j鈥檃ime votre Surface Pro 3. Non vraiment, o霉 je peux en acheter une ?».

L鈥檃nn茅e prochaine, il sera int茅ressant de voir la comparaison Surface Pro 3 et iPad Pro avec son 茅cran de 12 pouces. Sauf si l鈥檌Pad est clairement au-dessus, dans ce cas Microsoft ne fera pas de publicit茅.

dimanche 18 janvier 2015

Les bons plans App Store du jour iColorama, Ringer, Traduire Photos, #8230;

Gratuites pour quelques heures ou en baisse de prix pour tout aussi peu de temps, voici une petite sélection des applications en promotion pour une durée limitée. N’oubliez pas de vérifier la baisse de prix lors du téléchargement. L’actu de l’iPlanète, les applis gratuites et les promos, c’est aussi sur notre application iAddict v4 (Lien App Store – Gratuit – iPhone) !

N’oubliez pas non plus que vous pouvez retrouver nos bons plans App Store et Mac App Store mis à jour 24h/24 et 7j/7 sur notre page dédiée.

Bons plans, en promo ou gratuites pour quelques heures :

iColorama (Lien App Store – 2,69€ -> Gratuit – iPad) Retouchez les couleurs de vos images, par le biais de réglages pré-enregistrés ou manuellement. L’application sait également appliquer des filtres d’effets (pastels, peinture, demi-ton…) ainsi que des déformations paramétrables. Un mode masque pour limiter ou contrôler vos effets est aussi disponible.

Ringer – Ringtone Maker (Lien App Store – 1,79€ -> 0,89€ – iPhone) Réalisez une sonnerie personnelle à partir de la chanson libre de votre choix parmi votre bibliothèque iTunes. Ringer vous permet de réaliser facilement une sonnerie d’une durée de 2 à 40 secondes.

Traduire Photos (Lien App Store – 1,79€ -> Gratuit – iPhone) extrait des textes de n’importe quelles sources imprimées: des documents, des livres, des panneaux, des notices ou des publicités et permet de les traduire immédiatement dans n’importe laquelle des 70 langues.

Top Eleven (Lien App Store – Gratuit – iPhone) Mène ton équipe de football à la gloire! Top Eleven est le jeu de sport le plus populaire en ligne où tu crées et gères ton équipe, tout en participant à des rencontres joueur-vs-joueur avec des millions de joueurs!

FX Photo Studio (Lien App Store – 1,79€ -> Gratuit – iPhone) est une application de retouche photo.

Stress Baal (Lien App Store – 1,79€ -> Gratuit – iPhone) est une application de retouche photo.

Encore en promo :

Type:Rider (Lien App Store – 2,69€ -> 0,89€ – iPhone/iPad) La chaîne culturelle européenne Arte innove et lance son premier jeu vidéo ! De la peinture préhistorique jusqu’au Pixel art des années 2000, résolvez les énigmes en chevauchant les polices les plus populaires (Garamond, Helvetica, Times New Roman, Pixel, Comic Sans…) dans un univers graphique et sonore époustouflant

Awesome Calendar (Lien App Store – 5,49€ -> 0,89€ – iPhone/iPad) Calendrier pensé pour iOS 7 avec un design Flat et de nombreuses fonctionnalités

Cycloramic for iPhone 6 (Not iPhone 6 Plus)(Lien App Store – 1,79 € -> Gratuit – iPhone/iPad) Des applications permettant de faire des panoramas, ils en existent des dizaines sur l’App Store, mais Cycloramic le fait grâce aux vibrations de votre iPhone.

Pics2Mov (Lien App Store – 1,79€ –> Gratuit– iPhone/iPad) faites des vidéos à partir de vos photos facilement et de manière professionnel. L’interface est claire et simple avec de nombreuse options.

Handy Photos (Lien App Store – 2,69€ -> 1,79€ – iPhone/iPad) app de retouche photos avec une interface originale.

Procreate (Lien App Store – 3,99€2,69€ – iPad) est un utilitaire puissant de création graphique dans le style d’Indesign version très allégée.

Verychic (Lien App Store – Gratuit – iPhone/iPad) Plus de 150 hôtels sont proposés tous les jours à des prix exceptionnels à travers le monde : France, Espagne, Portugal, Maroc, Grèce… Bénéficiez quotidiennement d’offres réservées à nos membres : jusqu’à -70% sur des hôtels 4 et 5*, incluant des avantages exclusifs : chambres supérieures au prix chambre standard, petits déjeuners offerts, départ tardif…

jeudi 15 janvier 2015

iPig un dock-cochon tactile

Aujourd'hui nous pouvons rajouter à la longue liste d'accessoires iPod, le dock iPig. Ce dock un peu spécial se présente sous la forme d'un cochon de 16 X 14 cm dans lequel on insère son iPod sur le connecteur dock ou tout autre périphérique car une entrée son y est intégré. Il ne dispose pas de fonctions innovantes car il se contente de restituer le son de l'iPod mais c'est son design original qui fait sa force (ou sa faiblesse suivant nos goûts ;-)). Les 4 hauts-parleurs sont situés sous les oreilles, dotées de capteurs sensitifs pour régler le volume sonore, et dans les yeux; un subwoofer pour les basses se trouve également à l'intérieur de l'animal. iPig est livré avec une télécommande.

Vous pouvez l'acquérir ici chez CrazyPhonic en rose, noir, blanc et rouge pour 69€ (frais de ports inclus)


mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Games That Could Have Been Great Episode VII Showdown Legends of Wrestling

I recall walking into a Gamestop in a neighboring town when I was about 20, and seeing the most glorious poster on the wall. It conjured up memories of my youth and was just marvelous to look at.
I couldn't turn away from it's glory. What was this poster? Well, it was what turned out to be the box art for Showdown: Legends of Wrestling.
I had played Legends of Wrestling 2 and thought it sucked, but the gentleman at GameStop told me how the game boasted a new art style, controls and better presentation. The store was taking pre-orders,icontikit and you even got a dope T-shirt for doing it.
Since it was a 35-minute drive to this location, I decided against pre-ordering, but knew I had to get my hands on the game.
What it did Right:
Showdown: Legends of Wrestling, at the time, had the best graphical style for a wrestling game, and it still manages to hold up today.
Although they were a bit exaggerated proportionally, every playable wrestler looked solid and had multiple attires from various points of their careers.
A large roster of legends such as Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Savage, Jake 'The Snake' Roberts and more, were included, and although there were some omissions, it felt like a solid line up.
The game included legendary announcers Tony Schiavone, Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan and 'The Living Legend' Larry Zybszko. Various arenas from wrestling history, such as Madison Square Garden, were included.
Match modes were expanded and included ladder and table matches. Wrestlers had proper entrance mannerisms and taunts in the ring, and finishers were spot on. It had all the components to be the premier wrestling game for fans of the golden age of wrestling, and seemed to be poised to be a classic game that could be enjoyed by fans young and old.
So what the hell happened?
What it did Wrong:
Well, for starters, the publisher Acclaim was in the process of going out of business when the game was being made. So to say this game was rushed is a bit of an understatement.
Commentary, while good for what it was, ended up being repetitive and seemed like it was recorded in the day. The game advertised Jerry 'The King' Lawler on commentary, but he was omitted from the game. Odd.
There wasn't a story mode to be mentioned, and the 'Create A Legend' mode, where you customized your own wrestler, was laughably bad in execution and way too hard to use. But once you were in the ring, that's where things got really bad.
It seemed like while they got the finishing moves and taunts right, every other bit of the moveset was just generic and terrible for each wrestler (why is everyone doing a mummy driver?!). Wrestlers would fly across the screen, sometimes disappear, hit detection was terrible, and controls were unresponsive.
Animations were very stiff and canned, and it just didn't feel right. The controls were decent but also didn't seem to work half the time. The game had a tendency to either freeze up or crash as well. Nothing worked as it should, and it was obvious that the game was relying on initial sales because it wasn't going to get much after people had gotten the word of all the issues it had.
Final Truth:
It's funny though, because with all the negative things this game has, I still enjoyed playing it. It's almost so bad it's good. The roster is charming enough to keep me coming back,R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe édition and there are slight moments where the game feels like it should.
Those few and far moments of greatness is why I still like the game. It's funny because you can somewhat parallel Acclaim to a legend wrestler. Once on top their respective worlds, this was like Greg Valentine performing at a gym for scratch money.
Acclaim was  just trying to get one last payday.

Acclaim, Showdown: Legends of Wrestling, wrestling

mardi 30 décembre 2014

l 'application iphone camera+ en promotion à 0.79€

Bonne nouvelle pour les amateurs de photographie, l'application Camera+, saluée par de nombreux utilisateurs, voit son tarif diminuer pour une durée limitée.

Camera+ est une application qui vous permettra de compléter les fonctions photos de l'iPhone. Vous pourrez ainsi bénéficier d'un retardateur, d'un mode rafale ou encore de nombreux filtres pour retoucher ou appliquer des effets à vos clichés.

L'application Camera+ est disponible sur l'App Store à 0.79€ pour une durée limitée (contre 1.59€ habituellement).

Games That Could Have Been Great Episode VI Geist

Developer: n-Space, Inc.
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: GameCube
Release Date: August 15, 2005
Genre: First-person action-adventure
The Nintendo GameCube was a very strange console. From the system itself (it had a handle?) to the somewhat odd controller, the GameCube was a third wheel behind the PlayStation 2 and Xbox. What's strange is the fact that it was the last time Nintendo had a graphically superior system to the competition. However, it wasn't that easy to work on so only first party games got to show their graphical prowess. Then came along a strange game called Geist. Developed by n-Space, Geist was a game that showed a lot of promise and could have easily been great, but a few flaws along the way deemed the game to just a cult fan base.
What it did Right:
Geist has a long and somewhat complex story, but to sum it up for our purposes an evil scientist shoots you,r4i sdhc 3ds rts and sucks your soul from your body with a new invention. Another soul person, a small girl, allows you to be somewhat free, and now you are a spirit wandering in the current world trying to extract revenge. It sounds a bit cheesy, but it manages to play out better then it sounds and actually gets you somewhat emotionally involved in the story with the proper twists and turns. That's not the games real focal point though. Where the game shines is the game play.
As a spirit, you are able to possess people, objects, and even animals in order to progress through the game. While presented in the typical first person shooter perspective, the game is more in vain of a first person adventure such as the classic Metroid Prime. In order to possess someone or an animal, you have to use an inanimate object to scare the living object. For example, at one point you are in a room with a dog and a security guard, and you need to possess the guard to get out of the room. So, you take control of the dogs food bowl (yes, the food bowl), make it shake and fall over in front of him, which scares him. Then you take possession of the dog to scare the guard, then you can take over as the guard and progress through the game. It's a puzzle and it really was totally different to everything else that was out at the time, because while it was half a first person shooter, it was also a puzzle/adventure game too. It leads to some very entertaining moments that will probably never be replicated again in a game. Also, while playing as a guard the gun play is solid, bosses are big and interesting, and there is even local multiplayer. So what's the problem then?
What it did Wrong:
As ambitious and cool as the 'possession' system was, it wasn't perfect. You always had to go in a pattern for the more complex ones, which felt like it limited the game. Whether that was a result of trying to get the game out (it was a frequently delayed game) or a hardware limitation, it did streamline the game a little too much for most peoples liking.
Probably the most disappointing thing about Geist was the graphics. On a system as strong as the GameCube, Geist looked like a rushed and unpolished title. Muddy, somewhat bland, and once again, rushed graphics marred the game experience for a lot of people. Couple that with the NTSC version having strange glitches and bugs, it was clear that n-Space needed to get the game out quickly and the final product had  to suffer because of that. What could have been the biggest exclusive title for the GameCube was instead regulated to obscurity by the gaming press.

Final Truth:
Truth be told, I actually love Geist. I loved the originality, I loved the premise, I loved everything about it. I was able to look past the flaws, but many people, including reviewers,ilovenhv could not. Due to that, the game flopped with low sales and quickly found its way to the bargain bin, which is a shame. Although Nintendo owns the property, we will probably never see a sequel or expansion upon this good game that with more a little more polish could have been great.

gamecube, Geist, n-space